ARAATI 64 Squares Foundation
We aim to help social innovations scale up and achieve the highest level of impact
Genesis of the Foundation
Late Arati Bijoy Mohanty was associated with Chess in Odisha from 1965-2019.During these five decades he has created a platform for others to perform. He popularized chess by visiting schools on his own without any incentive other than commitment to promote among youngsters. He was yeoman in organizing state selection tournaments being a key functionary of Orissa State Chess Association. He never married and left any scion but a plethora of chess players in the state of Odisha. Apart from Chess, he was a sports enthusiast showing keen interest in othe indoor sports like Table Tennis, Carrom, Bridge etc. In order to immortalize his contribution to Chess, a group of his followers and disciples came forward to carry on his legacy of promoting chess and creating an eco-system for other sports to grow in the country.
Vision: Sports and Sportsman spirit at every walk of life in the society.
Mission: Sports, especially Indoor games at nook & corner of the state, and in schools.
Vision: Sports and Sportsman spirit at every walk of life in the society.
Mission: Sports, especially Indoor games at nook & corner of the state, and in schools.
We aim to help social innovations scale up and achieve the highest level of impact
Promoting and Encouraging budding talents
Promoting and Encouraging budding talents
Organizing tournaments
Organizing tournaments
Imparting Coaching Progrmmes
Imparting Coaching Progrmmes
Coordinating with sports Celebrities for brand endorsements
Coordinating with sports Celebrities for brand endorsements
Impact based sports programmes for Corporates/PSUs
Impact based sports programmes for Corporates/PSUs.
Social Media campaigns for Sports activities
Social Media campaigns for Sports activities of Corporate/PSU Organisations.